Why The World Needs A New Alphabet for Humanity

Why The World Needs A New Alphabet for Humanity

How do we teach young children important values in a way they can easily understand?

We all want our children to grow up being kind, compassionate, and caring of others and the world around them, yet it can be challenging to know exactly how to instill these values from an early age. A New Alphabet for Humanity introduces heart-based values to young children in an easy-to-understand way that they can connect with.

Through simple yet impactful artwork, A New Alphabet for Humanity book teaches our children the importance of connecting with their hearts and to the world around them. There has never been a more important time to teach our children important values such as empathy, kindness, diversity, and gratitude – we are equipping them with the skills they need to make the world a better place!

As parents we can learn something along the way too…

This book is an incredible tool for parents and teachers to have meaningful conversations about values and positive words, like kindness, bravery, empathy and gratitude. It’s also a great reminder for us as adults about how to be a great human being!

A simple way for our children to connect with the world.

The world is full of endless opportunities for our children to learn, discover, and grow. A New Alphabet for Humanity teaches the how and why of connecting to our hearts and to the world around us. The aim of the book is to help our children to grow into the incredible humans that they are destined to be and create a bright future for humanity.

Our book in communities

We are so happy and grateful for the positive impact this book has made in a growing number of schools and communities around the world. We feel like children have so much to learn from such a simple yet inspiring book. A New Alphabet for Humanity is now being used by a growing number of teachers and educational practitioners in classrooms across the USA, Australia, the UK and Canada. 

It’s incredible to think that the younger generation is learning more about mindfulness and how to connect with their hearts than ever before. We hope that the pages of ‘A New Alphabet for Humanity’ provide you with ongoing inspiration for teaching children how to be compassionate, kind and loving, and to respect the beautiful world we live in. The children of today are the makers of tomorrow.